• kol kas nėra duomenų
        • Mission



          Kaunas Jesuit High School (KJHS) aims to promote discovery of intellectual capabilities of young people, foster their spirituality, creativity, sense of community and physical activity, also to develop skills and competencies vital to the active members of modern society. 

        • Kaunas Jesuit High School is the oldest continually operating school in the city of Kaunas, established in the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in 1649, and re-established in 1991. 

          The School was established by Lithuanian-Latvian Jesuit Province. 

          KJHS  is a member of the Worldwide Jesuit Education Network, uniting 2120 schools and over two million students all over the world.

          Kaunas Jesuit High School is a non-state catholic school which provides secondary education complying with national standards. According to annual educational system research and ratings, KJHS has been among the best schools in Lithuania for years.


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      Retreat Home in Kulautuva owned by the High School is open for everyone seeking for more in-depth self-cognition, recognition of the others and God, in-depth analysis of secrets and purpose of life. Our students participate in globally acknowledged “Kaira”, “TEC” recollections, each week celebrate the Holy Mass, and develop chanting, reading and praying skills. We believe that our students who witness the love of God will spread joy and peace among their families and friends.

      Non-formal education, artistic and creative activities enable KJHS students to find their talents and gain competencies vital for the active and modern Lithuanian citizen. A wide range of opportunities to express oneself are provided starting from a  possibility to be elected as a president or a member of the Student  Council , an editor, a journalist or a designer of the school paper “Ad majora”, to constructing robots, acting in the French theater, representing our High School in the world schools debating championships in English and German languages, developing Spanish skills, etc.

      The sense of community is the core value, fostering a safe and developing environment. Our High School provides the students with the services of tutors, psychologists as well as experienced specialists who efficiently work in “Olweus” bullying prevention program. Moreover, the students are encouraged to participate as volunteers in various social establishments in Kaunas city, which strengthens their sensitivity towards those in greatest need. Every year, Healthy Soul Day, and Social Activities Day are organized during which the students accompanied by the teachers visit the elderly and the sick in special institutions, carry out environmental cleaning campaigns) and celebrate different occasions together.

      We recognize the importance of sports, active and healthy lifestyle. Currently, our students are provided with a small sports hall (which used to be a school cinema before World War II) and an outdoor basketball playing field for their sports activities. We have a goal to build a modern, convenient and spacious multifunctional hall, which could at the same time  accommodate  several classes of students, by 2024.

      Currently (in 2022/2023), KJHS consists of 864 students, 90 teachers/specialists, and 26 technical staff members. Our High School implements primary (1st - 2nd grade), basic (5th – 10th grades) and secondary (11th-12th grades) education, informal education, International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (11th-12th grades, English language), Pre-International Baccalaureate (Pre-IB) Diploma Program.

      Enrollment is organized to the first (primary grade), the fifth, the first gymnasium, Pre-IB diploma classes, as well as International Baccalaureate (education in English language) diploma classes. Moreover, we provide our students with a possibility to participate in students’ exchange programs in the USA. Our graduates usually choose to study in Higher education establishments in Lithuania and other countries. We are proud to see the alumni of Kaunas Jesuit High School accepted to the best universities of the world: Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge, Princeton, and Yale Universities

    • KJHS students foster ambitions for being:

        • Religious – cherishing personal relation with God and the Church, seeking for perfection through prayer and the Ignatious spirituality, and relating religion with everyday activities.  

          Inquiring – recognizing God everywhere; analyzing the Holy Writ, having higher aspirations and hopeful vision of the future, open for the dialogue of religion, science, and culture. 

          Loving – following the example of Jesus Christ, capable to accept themselves with all talents and weaknesses, respecting, listening and recognizing other human beings, refraining from debasement of their beliefs, race, religion and social status.  

        • Curious – expressing deep and universal interest in different topics, seeking for self-recognition, as well as cognition of the other human beings and the surrounding environment. 

          Contemplative – capable of individual and critical assessment of happenings and phenomena, aiming for in-depth cognition of the matter and adequate argumentation.  

          Reflecting – capable to relate the differences, to apply gained skills and knowledge, able assess/undergo self-assessment.

        • Truthful – capable of making correct choices (the ones that raise, instead of the ones that destruct); creating the world based on justice, capable of resisting injustice and exploitation.  

          Helping others – caring of everyone, especially the ones in greatest need. 

          Responsible – aiming to take active part in the activities of the High school, regional, state and international communities, cherishing national cultural heritage. 

        • Ingenious – capable of seeing differences in the usual, developing authentic and valuable ideas, pieces of art, providing unexpected solutions.    

          Open-minded – accepting disagreements, incompatibilities, adjusting to changes, accepting challenges and differences.  

          Initiative – capable of individual acting and encouraging the others to act; striving for their goals with joy, seeking for more (magis) in all contexts.

        • Active – undergoing constant perfection, practicing different forms of physical activities.  

          Healthy – taking care of health and treasuring life, promoting healthy lifestyle.

          Balanced – capable of balancing activities with rest, themselves and environment; creating safe, healthy and organic environment. 

    • Kontaktinė informacija

      • VŠĮ “Kauno jėzuitų gimnazija”, Rotušės a. 9, Kaunas
      • Mokinių raštinė ir Priėmimo klausimai: +370 676 53935 arba Google Meet https://meet.google.com/ibu-njtr-wmf
        Administracijos raštinė: +370 618 19949 arba Google Meet https://meet.google.com/szd-ggzj-egh
      • Kauno jėzuitų gimnazija
        Rotušės a. 9, LT-44280 Kaunas
        LT-44280 Kaunas
      • Įmonės kodas 300109458
        Sąskaitos Nr. LT85 4010 0425 0070 9680 AB Luminor bankas
        Banko kodas 40100
      • https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/High-School/Kauno-j%C4%97zuit%C5%B3-gimnazija-453422008059612/
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